All prices quoted are per day, but should you collect your pet/s before 11:00 on the day of departure the charge for that day will be deducted.
Unfortunately due to government increasing both minimum wages and national insurance contributions etc along with numerous increases in everyday costs we are forced to increase our prices from 1st May 2025
Owners warrant that any pets left for boarding are fit and Healthy (or that the kennels are aware of any existing condition) and furthermore authorise kennel management to contact the appropriate veterinary practice regarding existing medical conditions or to confirm vaccination details.
Owners accept that in the event of any actual, or suspected injury/illness (in the opinion of Kennel Management) the services of a qualified veterinary surgeon may be sought, and any costs incurred will be the responsibility of the owners.
Dog owners must show that their pets have been inoculated against Parvo Virus, Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis and Kennel Cough prior to commencement of boarding.
Cat owners must confirm that pets have been fully inoculated against Feline Flu & Enteritis prior to commencement of boarding.
Owners should also ensure that their pets have had both flea & worm traeatment before boarding.
IMPORTANT: Valid veterinary vaccination certificates must be produced for inspection by the management or up to date vaccination records established prior to any pet being admitted into the kennels, or cattery. Animals without up-to-date valid Certificates will be refused entry. Management reserve the right to refuse to board any animal that appears or acts in a dangerous manner.